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How To Take The Perfect Flatlay At Home

17 Apr, 2020


by Glassons


A magazine or book
Your favourite items of clothing
Accessories: Jewellery/bag/shoes/sunglasses/hair clips
Fabric for background or bed sheet
Extra props: perfume bottles, flowers, make up, coffee


The Set Up

  • Set up your fabric near a window. This will give you the best natural lighting.


Collect Your Favourite Pieces

  • Pick your favourite outfit from your wardrobe. It can be an old favourite that you want to try re-style or something new that you are dying to wear out.
  • Grab your favourite accessories.
  • And some props to match.


Selecting a Magazine Page

  • The colours of your outfit will set the tone for the magazine or book page.
  • Try to stick within the colour palette so the images compliment the outfit.


The Layout

  • Place the biggest items down first. This will usually be the clothes and the book. These items can overlap.
  • NOTE: the clothes don’t have to be perfectly flat and smooth. You can give them some shape and movement by scrunching them up a bit.
  • Take a test shot so you can see how the items fit in the frame. This way you will be able to see where the big gaps are.


Fill the Gaps

  • Once you have identified the gaps in the photo you can start to fill them with your props and accessories.
  • Keep in mind that the objects in the photo should try and balance each other out.
  • If something doesn’t feel right, try it in a new spot.
  • Try one option with everything parallel and one with everything overlapping at different angles.


Snap Away

  • Once you are happy with your placement of everything…SNAP AWAY!
  • Try some different angles and crops so you have different options to choose from.


Select and Edit

  • Select your favourite images and edit them through your favourite editing app, (we will give you a sneak peek into our editing process soon, so stay tuned).
  • Once you are happy with the picture, think of a cute or witty caption (when in doubt go with your favourite emojis).
  • And POST!

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